The next Sock Monkey we have to introduce is Nelson. He was named after the original creator of mass produced sock monkeys, John Nelson of the Nelson Knitting Company in Rockford, Illinois.
Nelson has proven to be quite a character, so full of mischief. Since finding a home in Millheim, PA, he has tagged along on many outings where he can find trouble in the most simple situations. But he has a good heart and provides a million laughs. His twin sister is Metoo, and even though the two could not be more than different, they often share adventures, finding a balanced sense of adventure for us to enjoy.
Without further ado, here is our Nelson, who is pleased to meet you, too!
Sorry about the strange color, but the lighting
was not great on this September evening.
This is Nelson enjoying hot wings at
The Millheim Hotel.
Nelson really likes the color red,
especially when they are hot shoes like these!
Only Nelson and his friend OptPessimist could pull this off
(perhaps we should mention they are laying in a bath tub
that is now used for a salad bar buffet?!?)
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