Here's a couple of shots from early October 2009: previews of what is to come over the next couple of posts.
Nelson was just learning about life in central Pennsylvania, but he took it all very nicely. He saw there is a lot of beauty here with just enough room to be a good monkey and at times a bad monkey. Just depends upon his mood...
This is the local school district.
Sock Monkeys do not need to attend classes
but Nelson will be joining in on some
of the events that are open to the community.
More to come...
Even closer to home.
Nelson wants to learn more about these
mills, especially the hosiery one that used to
be pretty active but is now gone.
What could be more interesting to a sock monkey
than a place that used to make socks?
Nelson's new home is pretty rural
but it has progressive ideas.
For instance, people have been recycling
here long before it was "fashionable."
But sometimes I wonder if Nelson
is interested just because the sign
has his favorite colors...
And then there's the whole corn thing.
There sure is a lot of corn in Penns Valley.
While it may be grown for feed or fuel,
a pretty controversial topic here,
Nelson really just seems to be
interested in how he can get through
all of those stalks without getting lost...
Now that Nelson is a bit settled into his new home, he will have some fun events to share with you. But just like people, sock monkeys needed to get his bearings first. Nelson seems pretty cool about what he has found thus far: farm land with interesting people who have a long history, but all the while ones who like to eat and play. And best of all: even though the school (and nearby colleges) boast colors of blue and white, there sure seems to be a lot of signs here in Nelson's favorite colors. Not a bad start...
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